On January 7, a heartbreaking tale of a 56-year-old Mexicali, Baja California, man who lost his house to a raging fire and realized that his closest friend was what was truly important in life was shared on various social media platforms.
The gentleman known as Don Mario has operated his own company for 10 years, selling cups or coverings for automobile tires, despite having a hearing disability that does not prohibit him from being independent.
Mario Alberto Méndez González unfortunately had to watch as his ancestry vanished and now lives alone with his beloved pet.
They were able to discover the fire, which appeared to have started in the room as a result of an electrical short, while Mario slept in the early morning hours. Fortunately, Don Mario was able to flee his blazing home before the fire swiftly spread to further areas of the building.
Flames also engulfed his Nissan truck, which was loaded with goods and increased the fire’s ferocity.As the neighbors waited for the fire department, Don Mario panicked to save the life of his buddy who was still inside the house. The fire had almost completely burned the home, but the nearby residents stopped him from
entering to try to rescue it. When the firefighters came, they saw this dramatic situation as Don Mario started dousing the flames with a neighbor’s hose in a panic. Mario didn’t care about monetary things; all he wanted was for his closest buddy to gain from them. On Facebook, Express RGV wrote:
He sent the firemen a signal letting them know that saving his dog was his first concern. Because it was extremely unlikely that the animal would have survived, everyone at the time figured the worst, but the man never gave up.
Someway, a firefighter emerged from the home with Don Mario’s dog in tow. He shouted at it when he spotted it, causing the dog to run into his arms. As he was holding the dog, he began to cry.